USPRE Presents Olympic Rider Andreas Helgstrand in a Master Class with PRE Horses.

USPRE Presents Olympic Rider Andreas Helgstrand in a Master Class with PRE Horses.

24-01-2018 Lily Forado

Every year, during the Week 3 of the Adequan Global Dressage Festival in Wellington, USPRE Week holds its annual PRE Horse Festival: a week full of activities dedicated to the PRE Horse of Spain, with the purpose of promoting this breed to the dressage community and general equestrian communities of the United States. One of the highlights of the week is the Master Class with Andreas Helgstrand, to be presented on Friday Night January 26 during the Freestyles.
Danish Grand Prix Dressage rider, Andreas Helgstrand is the perfect choice to conduct this session. Having recently opened a business in Wellington, Helgstrand will apply his experience as a team rider for Denmark, top trainer of GP level horses, and leader in sport horse sales in Europe, to a 30 minute class highlighting a pair of Grand Prix level PRE horses. Danish team member Mikala Münter and U25 rider Kerrigan Gluch will be the riders for this class. Andreas will be sharing invaluable insights and some training points particularly for the PRE horse in Grand Prix.

His Master Class will take place on the evening of Friday 26th January at the premises of Adequan Global Dressage Festival during the break of Freestyles Under the Lights.